iCRM provides document conversion services.The benefits gained from our document
conversion services result in increased productivity, performance and a positive impact
on the return of investment. Our clients realize tangible benefits that reduce their total
document management expense while increasing profits by optimizing their business processes.
Document conversion is the process of creating digital images and then
converting them to the required archival format (Word documents, Power
Point presentations, Excel spreadsheets, Html, Xml and other formats) from
various media, such as paper, microfilms..
We are able to
- Provide document conversion from one format to any or multiple formats
- Create custom data conversion processes
- Provide support for all major languages.
We are able to accept your document conversion requirements in CDs, DVDs,
paper documents, Microfilms, through secure FTP, and/or other convenient format..
Some examples of what can be converted to another format are provided below.
- Books to HTML, XML, XHTML, searchable PDF and MS Word
- Paper Documents/scanned images to MS Word
- Scanning and conversion of paper documents
- Book & Paper Catalog Conversion
- Scanned paper reports/ images to Electronic Format
- Image to XHTML and TIFF to PDF
- XML Conversion